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Try few Girly things and see if you like them. Sure — some boyfriends will more closely resemble husbands.

They may feel a revulsion when they see societal change as a consequence of large scale miscegenation. Before you get too excited that is Denmark, South Carolina, USA. I reject it completely since it does not accept collective ethnic interests, a common interest in preserving undiluted blood and the preservation of historical memory passed on through generations.

DateBetter Terms and Conditions - For those who are fine with long term relationships, just be sure you're on the same page. Hence the aggressive reaction, followed by mockery.

Donovan is a sexist son of a bitch who objectifies women by keeping them on their toes, their backs, and their knees where they belong. Add him on and follow him on. As a military kid, I was fortunate to live a lot of different places at a young age. After college I continued my nomad-like existence before finally settling down on the west coast. An obvious benefit of having lived in all four corners of the U. Location and upbringing creates a few differences between them, but by and large, chicks that are born and raised in the states are clones as far as sexual interaction goes. However, the element that makes more of an impact than others is race. For example, in my experience white girls tend to be much more sexually open and experimental they do it all , Latinas are fiery, passionate, and embrace their femininity more than most, and aesthetically speaking Asian women are among the thinnest across the board. Most people who are honest with themselves know that black women have the lowest SMV of any female in the western hemisphere and maybe even the world. Plenty of men out there have a taste for them but the cruel reality of natural selection all but weeds them out of just about every pool of men with options. This was not a conscious choice. It was just a natural progression in my development. The more my game level improved, the less attractive they became. How do I know what she paid for them? She reminded me every chance she got and did so loudly and proudly. But living that far above your means is ridiculous. Most girls like to have nice things, but black women are slaves to the almighty label and will make sure they get them at all costs…literally. Truth be told, I got tired of the daily label checks making sure I was wearing name brand this or that, as though I would shame the family name by sporting a generic pair of jeans I picked up at the thrift store. Chalk it up to ego and common sense. Their extreme sluttiness I know, I know. Most girls in this country are sluts. This, like a lot of reckless female behavior, probably falls into the lack of self worth category. They feel the need to consistently prove to themselves and everyone else they are desirable as women so they sleep with more men. This principle crosses all racial boundaries. The supply is diminishing by the day, but as of right now there are plenty of hungry and thirsty diners at the buffet. Fair enough but check this out: I was as beta as beta gets through my twenties but banging black girls was like taking candy from a baby. I had zero game to speak of, yet I regularly fell ass backward into their panties quite easily. All of us here know that most chicks in this cesspool of a sexual market are more than liberal with their goodies. Just about all of them have kids Being a slut has consequences—namely, children. To make matters worse a lot of them have a lot more than just one or two. Shit, even the educated ones with great jobs, nice cars, and living in nice neighborhoods who seemed to have their act together had a few whipper snappers running around. Their finances may or may not be limited, but surely they can pony up the change in their designer bags to avoid baggage that decreases their value as long-term partners. Good luck with that. The PC media will blame this on targeted marketing of fast food, lack of nutritional options and education, lower income, or any number of excuses designed to take the focus away from personal discipline and responsibility but their excess body weight is a product of their laziness and lack of drive, as is the case with anyone who is grossly overweight. They know good and well that no man with a healthy sexual desire is looking in their direction for that kind of action. Most western girls foolishly believe that acting like a man is attractive to men. Black women are no different but they take it to another level. They exude so much masculinity it overshadows any and all desirable qualities that may work in their favor. They want to project strength but their undisguised mannish tendencies are boner killers. I f they embraced femininity like their Latina counterparts they might actually surprise themselves with the growing amount of positive attention they start getting from the public in general, including men. The sisters out there that do pass the boner test have way too much baggage to consider even putting them in fuck buddy status. Their overt masculinity also takes them completely out of the running for an ONS. I suppose they could raise their collective SMV enough to become a viable option for men other than thirsty simps, but it would take a generational mind shift of epic proportions. Though they have their deficiencies, there are plenty of changes they could make to maximize their desirability. However, the odds of black women or any American woman for that matter changing their ways are exceedingly long. Their mentality and the environments they create for themselves are two roadblocks they simply do not have the knowledge or resolve to overcome. Read Next: FromDaA What the hell are you talking about?! You watch way too much tv. AA culture produced the current POTUS. Black men spend more time with their children than white men. And there are Blacks making vast strides in every economic sector there is. Receiving felonies are much higher rates for the same crimes committed by whites. Making it impossible to enter the work force and get a decent job. And enjoy your white privilege while it last. The media does everything it can to help portray blacks as victims. They are right, victims of black on black crime. They receive felonies at much higher rates than whites for the same reason Asians and Jews receive larger salaries than most whites; cultural and racial predispositions. FromDaA What the fuck is black on black crime? People of the same culture kill each our like whites kill whites and asians kill asians. Whites are the most violent race on earth. John I do t hate black people, but I really hate the zabba culture being promoted by people like you. I truly believe Lincoln had it right when he wanted to ship them all back to the dark continent after the Civil War. Aside from the manual labor they provided prior to the invention of the cotton gin, they have literally contributed nothing to modern society. We could send you back to the dark continent where you belong. Or how bout Lewis Latimer who greatly improved the filament to make it burn long which gave you the modern day light bulb. I could keep go on and on but racist like you have a small brain and lack intelligence and understanding. Just look how the Mayans depicted themselves in murals painted on temple walls. You guessed it… they were black muthafucka. We been in the Americas bitch! But whites are dying out anyway. Ya know, kinda how it was the opposite 200 years ago. Other races of women know for a fact that once the get overweight is a wrap for them. I personally know a white friend who thinks that 120 pounds 5,7 height is is too fat and is currently trying to lose weight cuz she knows that white men are educated and have options. But black women in American know that AA monkeys will tuck anything with a slit between its legs GhostOfJefferson The Welfare State and feminism created what is now black culture. This is by design, and LBJ was rather open about this being the point of the welfare state. It destroyed traditional black culture, or at least what was left after they were emancipated. Long ago I lived in a ghetto for lack of better word for a couple of years. There was a Jamaican family and a family from Nigeria that lived in apartments near me. They were so different from the rest of the people around me it was nuts. Married man and woman. VERY nice they even fed me sometimes. I liked both of those families very much. GhostOfJefferson No, actually not as much Bob. I can hit any trailer park in Appalachia and usually find a mother and father still together not always of course and a trailer full of very scary children, more often than not. Welfare does destroy the family, yes, my point was LBJ specifically targeted blacks with his social programs. So generally, welfare in the UK has a white face outside of London. The people that live there are awful. You would not recognise them as being the same species, let alone race. The motivation is in place guaranteed housing and a government stipend for each little brat you have. As such, single motherhood in the UK is a major problem and no one can figure out why. The next great plan is to start paying people to be fat. Jannik Thorsen I havent personally done anything but vote against the race replacement agenda. I have since the late 90s voted on the danish folk peoples party consistently. And as far as I can tell Britain is more fucked up. London is now officially less than 50% British. No danish city is anywhere near that level, although Sweden has some cases which are close to 35%. So it appears that there are many stupid politicians in the UK as well. Jannik Thorsen Yes perhaps, but there is no reason to assume that this neglect was due to arrogance. You are not reading this in good faith. The point is that extreme poverty levels and inequality are far lower in Scandinavia compared to the US, and to a lesser extent also in the UK. Class differences are not as stark, compared yo say the UK. So why do you suppose this is the case? The restraints on selfish behavior in Anglo-Saxon countries largely derived from religion, and less from a dominant, intrusive culture. Not entirely absent, just less overbearing. As faith has died in the Anglo-Saxon world, there remains nothing left to check the innate selfishness of the individual. Hence, more individualized depravity in the UK. Jannik Thorsen The restraint on selfish behaviour is most probably also derived from religion in the Scandinavian countries. But it is based on protestant lutheranism and not jewish inspired calvinism. The problem has more likely to do with an erosion of religion and traditional mores, than with a welfare state as such. The welfare state is basically a public Insurance mechanism. It can Work as long as the culture is healthy and the population is fairly small and homogenous. An extensive welfare state is however not compatible with a hedonistic americanized neoliberal consumer culture. In sum, the welfare state may be a temporary proper solution for more collectivist cultures, but it is always an improper solution, wrongly grafted onto individualistic cultures, where the population will have a different sort of relationship with the state. The welfare state helped transform it. The Nazis and Soviets both viewed Britian and America as degenerate as they murdered millions and enslaved millions more. Sorry, but the Anglosphere has brought the world a great deal of good, material and otherwise, and it remained the only force against the violent radicalism of the last century, which managed to infect more traditionally restrictive cultures. By the by, Switzerland was also deeply Calvinist, and they have a sizable welfare state as well. Jannik Thorsen I dont think religion played a less functional role in say the Scandinavian countries and parts of Germany. The lutheran state was fused with the monarchical state after the reformation, and served as a tool for unifying the national culture. This is the reason lutheranism became state and ethnic religion. This was a crucial functional, role it played in forging the state. There is no necessary relation between the building of welfare states and the promotion of feminism. Feminism is a modern development based on equal participation in the workforce. The welfare state might as well be based solely on the support of families, and not individuals. In fact it is the liberal version of welfare which primarily supports singles. The German and the Scandinavian models were primarily based on the support of families. Securing pensions and the Insurance against sickness and disability. Radical equality was never on the table, and for this reason it was supported by conservatives. And there is nothing that indecates that the welfare state leeds to a depression of the birth rate. Take a look at the fertility rates in Europe. There is no correlation between a universal welfare state and low fertility. Quite on the contrary. Immigration booms have largely been fueled by neoliberal corporatists who want cheap Labour. This in addition to humanist do gooders who encourage liberal refugee policies. This is not the fault of the welfare state as such. I am well aware that the US 100 years ago was very different from the US of today. But I do agree with the nazis and the soviets when they viewed the US as the hub of degeneracy. The individualistic consumer culture was pioneered in the US. And then american style liberalism spread to europe in the aftermath of WW2. And all I can say is that my own society has become more degenerate with the spread of american style corporatism, consumer culture and hedonist liberalism. And although I admire the cultural and Scientific accomplishments of the anglo sphere, it has all been mired in a destructive individualist culture. Liberalism with no restraints is the death of collective nationalist cultures. But I alluded to it. Welfare is a system based on theft wherein the unproductive in society are rewarded at the expense of the productive. This breeds resentment between these two groups and discourages wealth building. You can also expect the unopposed group to expand as people make the rational choice to work less and be paid for it. Jannik Thorsen Not really. For instance pensions and healthcare. Redistribution among individuals is only a smaller part of it. It sounds like you give the welfare system to much credit for societies ills. And you are also ignoring cross cultural differences. It doesnt Work well in Britain or the US perhaps, but this does not imply that it is a failure in all other parts of the developed World. Scott Worthington I spent a year studyıng ın Scotland gettıng a graduate degree Dundee. What I saw that year was not for the faint of heart. Whoa, was I wrong. Rampant heroin use, pre-teens pushing strollers, women brawling ın the streets outsıde pubs at 2 ın the mornıng. The local universıties felt lıke 80% ınternatıonal students cuz I barely ever met or ınteracted wıth a local Scots on campus! My job at a call center Tesco! The male Afrıcan exchange students on campus told me the system was to get a local gırl pregnant ın dıfferent cıtıes so you could have a place to lıve. A pregnant teen automatıcally qualıfıes for a councıl flat no rent for 3 years , 400£ for her, 300£ for her baby a week, plus other goodıes. Jannik Thorsen This kind of degenerate behaviour is far less rampant in Scandinavia. And there are far less class divisions compared to Britain, even if you figure in the ethnic minorities from outside of Europe. So I suspect that this is rooted in culture rather than the size and extent of the welfare system. There is simply much more moral condemnation of welfare scroungers and people who attempt to game the system. Ethnic minorities appear not to have the same inhibitions as the natives, which is not surprising since they are rooted in different low trust cultures. Extensive welfare most definetely does not Work in ethnically, culturally or socially diverse countries. And it only Works in societies which have an initially high level of altruism present. The universal welfare state is most probably Unique to the Scandinavian countries and their inherent cultures. And it is therefore not likely that this model can be transferred to countries, bar a few. The natives are the ones who demanded and instituted the welfare system in the UK. They then invited British Empire subjects to the UK to make up for the shortfall in labour during the fifties. These people worked, they did not come to Britain to scrounge. I personally do not know a single immigrant to the UK who came for welfare. These people seem to be among the more resourceful sorts in their own countries. But even if I were to grant you what you are saying, what sense does it make to tell everyone you on a voyage to Hell and then complain that only devils get on the ship with you? Jannik Thorsen I am well aware of this. But it was the greedy corporatists who pushed for immigration not the average joe on the street. Which also explains why there were riots , and a backlash lead by Enoch Powell. Immigration was never popular among the majority. And the same could be said for every single country in the West. But yes it is true that first generation came to work, their descendents less so. If you have never heard of a single immigrant who came to the UK for the welfare than you must seriously live in a parallel universe. Alot has happened since the fifties. Eastern Europeans without a doubt figure in welfare when choosing their destination. And even more so with the refugees. Europe is currently flooded with bogus refugees. And the human smuglers are instrumental in marketing the best welfare destinations. It sounds like you are in serious denial of reality. Let me give you some advice: take the red pill! Gekk While culture is a major part, there is no question the addition of welfare makes things far worse. You can see this first hand in America when you compare the state of black families and the condition of black youth before and after the welfare system. Offering extensive handouts to a community that already has irresponsible views on parenting, education and self-reliance is like offering free vodka to an alcoholic with liver cirrhosis. As you said, we might get away with nanny state policies in a quaint scandinavian country with sensible cultural values regarding responsibility and long term planning, but socialism in countries like America and England is nothing short of national suicide. Jannik Thorsen Yes it probably wont Work in say the US due to the racial and cultural heterogeneity, and a general lower level of trust. But this is due to the fact that the US generally is a dysfunctional state. At its inception the welfare state was an Insurance against unbridled capitalism and the extremely negative effects of industrialization in europe. This in addition to returning war veterans who had no Insurance against the poverty or disabilities which were the consequences of warfare. Its all part of American propaganda to promote cutthroat capitalism and liberal atomized consumer culture. When one starts to study and analyze the history of the welfare state, and the very different models which have been employed in the developed World. Gekk What we call Nanny state policies in America are programs that go way beyond just helping war veterans or the disabled and elderly. Nanny state policies also refer to government overregulation and meddling in areas that should be left up to individuals, even going as far as deciding for people what size their soda cups should be. Jannik Thorsen I understand that this is a problem. But this is a problem of the specific social policies pursued. The Whole of western civilisation is focused on the individual as the basic unit, liberalism. This has happened simultaneously as the Family and the local community has become eroded. The welfare state is really just a moderate reaction to capitalism and its ill effects. The state starts to step in to a larger degree when civil society and community is starting to lose influence, and corporate market forces start to dominate supremely. Just consider the amount of marketing being forced fed to the average consumer. Just watching television for a mere 2-3 hours makes you feel brainwashed when you are not used to it. The problem cuts alot deeper than feminism and the welfare state. Welfare state policies can remain moderate only in countries with already well-defined and established understandings of personal responsibility, education and fatherhood. To think you once were Vikings. The Welfare State, in any form destroys individual incentive and eventually bankrupts. Even intelligent Scandinavian nations. Also, what we have here in the US now is hardly capitalism. Jannik Thorsen Why arent the pathetic nordic states then bankrupt yet? And as far as I can tell incentives havent been destroyed either. For one thing the Scandinavians are fairly well represented with patent applications per capita. GDP is pretty high per capita, and business taxes are actually fairly low. You dont have a particularly strong case. Its mostly pure speculation. What will it take before we according to libertarians can cal a state capitalist? Afshin Nejat Low wage, shitty jobs also do that. Military-Industrial, Fraudulent bankster driven pseudo-economies with inflated debt and bullshit wars also do that. I know it is too cryptic for someone who spends most of his time building muscles, smoking weed, and chasing pussy. This also manifests itself in dating where non whites like Latinos Arabs, Persian, Asians might rather date a white male than a dark skinned or black male. Robert Brandywine Can you point me to a source for your statement that the welfare state was intended to change the Black culture into a ghetto culture, by LBJ, or anyone? They believed ending poverty would result in Blacks becoming like Whites. Alfredo Garcia We have a lot of Jamaicans around here South Florida , as well as blacks from Trinidad, etc. The biggest insult from their perspective is to confuse them with American blacks or Haitians. The consider American blacks to be criminal, lazy and terrible parents. Black women from the Caribbean again, not talking Haitians also age incredibly well—they can be 45 and not look a day over 30. And you can chip a tooth on their butts. Great vibe at those parties. I grew up in Jane and Lawrence area of Toronto, lots of West Indies folks, I can understand patois pretty well, so my be part of it. Red Hood's Assault Patois is a huge part of the equation. The slight language shift is pretty sexy and those black women, in Toronto, are damn gorgeous. It is on the bucket list of places to visit. Also, Caribbean women, unlike Americans, value intelligence and femininity so party on Gen! There is a surplus of hot women from the Caribbean in Canada who mostly happen to be from Guyana. And if you visit either Trinidad or Brazil outside of Carnival, you are seriously missing out! Just come strapped with condoms. No need to bring back any unwanted prizes. I am speaking of a cultural characteristic that is seen throughout those in that culture. You neither have an idea of what I view about them as sexy or feminine, so when I say the name of the group, as it is my opinion, I am still correct for what matters to me. You should review the word subjective again. Jannik Thorsen It is not very clear to me what you are trying to convey. If you are being sarcastic. I will assume that you are not. He attempted to mock the idea of miscegenation instead of arguing against it rationally. Which is far more difficult. And I dont think he is beyond this phenomenon in any way. I think that he felt threatened by the thought of this issue catching on. Hence the aggressive reaction, followed by mockery. Portraying me as a fearful person with a bruised ego does not really persuade anyone. Mass scale miscegenation is a societal issue with real life consequences on a collective level. Reducing it to individual psychological inadequacy will not make the problem go away. This of course should be obvious from the absurdity of my second sentence in that comment. I like to treat absurdity as being absurd, and I do not entertain arguments about silly, archaic, concepts such as miscegenation. And they seem really keen. Who am I to be so selfish? I believe there is much empirical evidence to support this. I also believe that way too high a percent of US women of all ethnicities, have disgusting muffin top bodies. I believe American reality tv feminism contributes to this, by telling women that they are entitled to hard bodied successful men, without putting in the hard work to be that way themselves. Male losers who buy into this reality tv feminism also contribute to the problem, by not holding women to higher standards, and settling for women who do not try to be their best, thereby feeding their sense of entitlement. The American female tendency toward obesity, manifests itself to the extreme in the black female population. I believe comparing third world female populations to first world female populations is like comparing apples to oranges, because third women would generally be so consumed by subsistence survival that there would be nothing left for self improvement. It would probably be fair to compare American women to German woman or French women. And I believe American women would come up very short in that comparison. Autumn Fae you sound like a racist yourself with that statement of yours englishbob and it gives more fuel to the fire that blacks are now considered an inferior group of people. I say this as a black person who is tired of how the black community is now. I dont agree with Jannik but I do not agree with you either. You are just as racist and do not think that because you are a minority, you have a pass to make just as inflammatory comments. I have three kids, one from a black woman. I totally agree, racists and white supremacists suck. So too do black panthers, and black racists who tell me my kid will never be black unless he turns into a scientist or gifted athlete mind you , or that I get told thank you for breeding myself out. Phleb Are you stating my comment is incorrect? If so, show me your data. As to your comment: World Total 6,785,600,000 2,297,000,000 33. I just wanted to thank you for re-posting the comment. That was very sweet! I was trying to warn you that Breitbart tend to delete comments that raise awareness of the Jewish hand in our societies becoming multicultural, but unfortunately I was too late. I hope they only removed that comment of yours, and that your avatar Phleb is still safe on Breitbart. Phleb Thanks for taking the time to find me. I find it very interesting that BB banned me for this topic. Especially since I support Israel. Again, thank you for contacting me. Sun You want to fuck European women because of your inferiority complex. We all know that that niggers try to go after white women because of their beauty over nigger women and their nappy hair etc. Your attempt to punish European men by claiming to fuck the very thing you despise and envy because you know your genes impurify our gene pool just shows your innate insecurities. This is shit only niggers say. African women are ugly. Thanks for admitting that European women are the best. Your hatred is deep down envy that you want to be one of us which screams volumes to what you want to fuck wanting to climb up the ladder. Jessica London Stills You sound very stupid.. Currently With a NON Black Handsome Man. It does sound like you need white men to validate your attractiveness. You also sound like a gold digger. You need to leave racial arguments to people with sense of self and worth. Do you need a trophy for being a bed wench? Beloved Virgo White women are easy and love black cock. By your hate fueld aggressive post I can tell the one with loads of insecurities is you. Also I loved the defencif way you tried to make escuse for sun tanning, spray tanning fake tanning…and sunbed and all the shit white people use to cover their pasty dull complection. Hate on me Hater!!!! Yes I do misspell words!!! Nonetheless you got the message!!!! Talking about Freudian attempt!!!!! So Keep on hating hater And I shell forgive your sorry ass!! Lol Your only a hater after all And we all know the only thing going for you is hating!! So keep hating on me hater and make sure you reward yourself with a wank when correcting my misspelling must be the highlight of your life Haters Hate!!!!! You deserved to be hated for your stupidity. You fucking little ape shit. I want you to die you fucking little cancer. You are a fucking little asshole. So go home and cry. Resentment and bitterness are like poison created in your body when wishing ill to someone and you my friend you are riddled with it. You deserve to be hated. So find someone else to validate you. Must be really painfully tragic to be you, so desperately trying to shame people when actually the only person drawning in shame and self hatred is you. A famished, captive homosexual version of you confined far down the closet, painfully consumed with a burning desire for a nice chunky meaty dick and screaming as a result of years in the dark; LET ME OUUUUTTTT!!!!! Consequently all of the above It manifestes in your behaviour. I have the option to get many STDs if I wanted to but choose not to Having said that! Well imagine all you want. Sees all value through sex and nothing else. For whole varied of reasons. And besides European women are sexy as fuck. Did you know that Africans are the least liked within the gay community? It makes me hate you even more. Your sad attempt at reverse psychology is not really noticeable. And yes, you deserve to be hated. Learn something from you? Beloved Virgo Lol Quite predictable …Hmmmm!?! Why am I not surprised? Whatever you piping about African shamming was quite peculiar especially how excited it got you! Sorry mate I have to say for whatever reason you are waisting your energy into trying to make us believe that you are happy on hating fags and blacks. Your cry for help or desperate claim for love is documented in here. That begs the question if whether or not your mother cared for you. Sun, if you white males think your women are so gorgeous, why are you sweating Asian women so much? Why are you sweating Latina women so much? Your women are ugly, hairy, big, have wide calves and wide boxy hips. They have long noses like Pinocchio. They are not attractive in the least. The only men who go around saying this are honky men. LoveConquersAMultitudeOfSin Geesh what black woman rejected your ass. You sound appalled by the notion of some nappy haired nigger turning you down. Last I seen white women are trying to look like black women with fake breasts, butt, hips, lips, etc. And the fuck do you know why they fucked them and in front of whom? Rarely were they raped. Even based upon rapes now, rapes of black women by white men is almost non-existent. However, the other exist in alarming numbers. And this is just based on current FBI statistics. Plus we must not forget that with people in society there is the reality of the distribution mean of IQ. When it comes to IQ, there is a mean average , and then there are lots of people that fall on the upper half of the mean and then there are lots of people that fall on the lower half of the mean. You gotta remember that the females that fall for that and let themselves be fucked by a gorilla most likely have an IQ of approximately 80. So there is no white man around to steer the daughter clear of niggers. IF there is no white father in the home, the dumb white female will turn on MTV and use that to develop her moral compass. A female cannot be made to look attractive to us through propaganda. I could never marry an old ugly female because she had money. My sister thinks black guys look like gorillas. When I was growing up, my father made it clear that she better not ever bring a nigger home and to stay away from them. She only dated white guys and married a white guy. IF you are a father of a white girl, make sure you educate them and pay attention to whom she hangs around. But i can understand where you are coming from. You probably dont know many educated black people. I can also tell that you are not very well versed on American history. Let me educate you. Historically speaking blacks are every bit as civilized as whites. They wore the same clothes as whites and were respectable members of society. They were innovative and often excelled with inferior equipment Tuskegee Airmen ect. Another example is black wall street in Tulsa Ok. The powers that be have made a concerted effort to derail the progress of blacks. This is a fact. Look at what they did to Black Wall street. Look at Iran Contra where they pumped drugs into the black community. What do you think pumping drugs into a community is going to do? The elites also high jacked hiphop. Early hip hop was about positivity and overcoming hardships. The record companies promoted degenerate hiphop to brainwash inner city youth. I have no problem with white girls dating very respectable black guys. But i HATE when they date thug types. White guys that have your viewpoint need to stop being so biased. You are not being subjective because it is natural to feel a certain amount of mate guarding. Where is the outrage when white guys date Asian girls? As for blacks being less intelligent this is not true. Black kids that go to all white schools that have the same socioeconomic background as the white kids do just as well. To say otherwise is being intellectually dishonest. Look at the amount of African pharmacists and engineers there are. Basically i agree that black Americans are degenerate. But this degeneracy is not organic. It is because of whites intentionally sabotaging the black community. Blacks are at fault for continuing to allow this shit to happen. And before you get too smug you should realize that the elites are doing the same thing to white Americans. Its just that black people were first. You guys are being dumbed down and made into fat idiots too. Did you check the suicide rate of white males recently its really a sad situation. We are all in this together. Dont let the elites divide us among stupid shit like the amount of melanin in our skin. Cisscum You can have all the white women, muthafucka. I sure as fuck wont stick my dick in them anymore lol. You mean the race that most of our modern technology came from? Get that racist garbage outta here. People are going to mix, whether you like it or not. Howell Modern technology includes the personal computer as we know it, right? There are articles showing that the many black claims on inventions are not true, for example the most famous claim is that a black guy invented the lightbulb, but it was a white man, Joseph Swan, in Sunderland, England, that invented it. Thomas Edison had a team of researchers working on developing improving the lightbulb, and in his team was a black guy, who is credited not with being part of a team that improved the lightbulb, but with inventing it. There is an entire page by David Duke and Stormfront showing fake black inventions, many which were invented hundreds of years prior by whites. How many blacks made breakthroughs in these fields? There are no blacks in history on their level, not even close. Combine every great black in recorded history and they do not match the work of those 2 working class white men. The design engineer Buckminster Fuller did research as a Navy Intel Op, into the history of modern technological civilisation and the harnessing of chemical elements into new materials, which created new technologies; it is all listed in his Education Automation book. None of those breakthroughs, over thosands of years, were negro. Blacks, at best, make novel devices to make their menial jobs more efficient, but epoch changing discoveries and inventions will never come from black people, and never have. Most white women are not into black guys. There are reports from the 1970s when jewish record labels started pushing reggae music, where black guys would be asking why white women suddenly find them attractive — they thought it was weird how white women just changed. Such is the power of brainwashing. The entire goal of this jewish run race mixing agenda is, as they are openly stating, to eliminate whites so that they can, essentially, gene-hijack white genes and become the white rulers of a mixed race, low IQ mass of people whom have no history and unity of resisting jewish financier oligarchs. The issue has always been jewish supremacy. Slavery is mandated in the jewish Torah and Talmud. We have jewish Hollywood running agitation films to piss black people off over slavery saying it was whites that ran it, when every Atlantic slave ship was owned and captained by jews from the Netherlands. BM do not have brains. Dear BM, how are you going to destroy the white race by impregnating white women? BM in America are the smallest minority group I think. Whites are the MAJORITY population. See this irrational, childish mindset that BM have is exactly what BW are dealing with. How can you hate this man yet be so in love with his women? HE is the one who raised the white woman. You need to start showing this man some reapect since you love his women so much. Build something for your own blck community, blk man!! David Rodriguez Fitst, you are not English, Bob. Second, you had better stay out of America. We catch your nasty black ass on the street and we will teach you manners. As for blonde chicks, yeah, we see those filthy sluts. No white man wants them and you know it. You are an ape, and you know that, too. You simply are not a human being. Then when you die… it dies with you, except in that little bit you passed on… And now you are gone. Jannik Thorsen Not really. People do not feel threatened when confronted with same race or ethnicity dating. They may feel inadequate if they in general are losers in the reproductive race, but that is a different issue. Since they know that same race communion wil perpetuaty their own people in the long run. Collective existential angst is avoided. When experiencing mass interracial dating in their surrounding, they know instinctively that this will result in the long term destruction of their race and people. It doesnt always reduce to personal issues or ego stroking. This is a liberal fallacy. Afshin Nejat Actually, people do feel threatened in those circumstances as well, just in a way that is not as exposing as the way in which interracial encounters stir up the same feelings. It is less the case if the other-race member presents as same-race but this is precisely because the uncertainty levels have dropped about what sort of insecurities are to be stimulated. I have not contradicted any natural facts, and have supplied an adequate psychological theory to explain BEHAVIOR, without personifying DNA, and instead I allowed brain behavior to take the role in explaining the psychology of the organism. Jannik Thorsen No the threat is not of the same kind. Simply because there is no direct threat to collective racial or genetic interests. Miscegenation takes on a whole new existential dimension. The problem that I have raised has only a peripheral relation to neuropsychology. The relevant field for addressing this issue is evolutionary kin selection theory, especially the concept of inclusive fitness as developed by Willian Hamilton. This in addition to various collective behavioral theories in sociology and economics. You are academically simply in the wrong ballpark. So the miscegenation is real, a concern, and also the cause of emotions, but not the ones which mainly have the insecure person upset. There is no point in taking issues out of context to explain emotional behavior which is well-enough explained by ego-theory and common sense. So when I say that it was just a bruised ego in the case of people, you must have mistook me as referring to you, because as to the emotional reaction in those scenarios, that is all that it is, and not people panicking about their genetic prosperity. Some may be doing that also, but it is not what has an average person upset when they see an interracial event. Jannik Thorsen No you dont get it. It is not necessarily about personal procreation. Even old people who have no personal interest in passing on their genes at this late stage in life and who are out of the dating market can be vehemently against miscegenation. They may feel a revulsion when they see societal change as a consequence of large scale miscegenation. In the same way that parents object to miscegenation among their children. They know that this will alter their genetic legacy permanently. Its about community, tribal affiliation and the threat of long term genocide. Ego theory does in no way explain this phenomenon. Its a Whole separate phenomenon which may or may not accompany sexual frustration or bruised egos. Your analysis is far to individualistic and reductionist. Afshin Nejat I never said those reasons for reacting never happened or never happen. I SAID that for the most part they are not the reason emotional reactions to interracial sexuality do happen, when they generally do happen. You are talking about a subset of what normally occurs, and even in that subset, the ego takes a stand as if it were a personal rebuff. That is simply how the ego works. It then may have added reasons about the matter it takes as offending, such as its thoughts about miscegenation etc. For a RARE FEW, this is not the case. You can test this by actually studying the people who react to these things and ask them their reasons for feeling this way. They will confess more readily that they just hate the sight of it because it offends them personally. They will cover that up with a claim that they hate the miscegenation it implies, but this is ridiculous. Only a small proportion of a race date outside it, so how can one rationally think there is a miscegenation threat in progress? This is usually a histrionic attitude to cover up personally hurt feelings. Jannik Thorsen I dont believe that your assesment of the situation is correct. The people who are offended make up a far larger share, they are not the rare few. Its not just the absolute share of mixed couples that matters, although in some urban locations the share is quite high. It is also the growth rate that matters. As the following link documents mixed race babies were more than 7% of the US population in 2010, a significant increase from just a decade ago. This means one in 15 babies or so are mixed race. You simply have the empirical facts wrong. The figure will in all likelihood grow further in the coming years, possibly with an even higher Growth rate. Their perception is rather quite accurate. They also sense that norms have changed and that this change has been spearheaded by the media and education system. Race aware individuals also factor in to the equation that non-White immigration has been record high in the same period and that White people are headed for minority status within the Nexr 30 years or so. So naturally they are particularly sensitive on the miscegenation issue when immigration has been this high. So no, ego theory is completely inadequate in explaining the reactions towards this demographic development. Its about politics and identity, race and culture, and ultimately racial genetic interests are at stake. Who are the American people today, who have they historically been, and what will they become in the future. Miscegenation is one very important factor in this Development towards a majority non-white America. Afshin Nejat If those percentages are accurate then that would be a different matter as to the cause of the average reaction, if the case were that miscegenation is a rational fear of individuals in their lifetimes. I think the upset in those cases comes mostly from the imagination that there will be some increasing in the chaos of expected economic, social, and political outcomes for children and even themselves in old age. But I tell you this, those fears are a clumsy overestimation of the stability and decency of a nation which is racially homogeneous to a very high degree. It was due to the corruption inherent in people regardless of race, and inherent in the institutions which aggregate power and therefore accumulate corruption, an effect which is greatly compounded by the duration of time over which they do this, and the inevitable classes of corrupt elites which they create. Do you think Plato was thinking about the horrors of miscegenation when he contemplated the problematics of the debasing patterns of corruption in human polities? When did this problem first begin to occur, so that it is now such an apocalyptic threat that it is not merely because people panic at the sight of something they fear because it is out of their norm of experience xenophobia , and instead that this miscegenation is a confirmed destroyer of civilizations which are otherwise so pure, so well-ordered, with populations so well-endowed with moral and ethical virtues, that until miscegenation came along, they had nothing to reasonably fear in their own, genetically pure communities? Jannik Thorsen I dont think it is correct to claim that it is an overestimation of the effect of miscegenation. You ignore that this effect Works in concert with mass immigration of non-Whites. So while miscegenation is not the most powerful effect in itself, immigration is, it certainly has a significant effect when it has reached 7% and is rapidly increasing. And the US most certainly is not a homogenous country. It was maybe 40 years ago when it was more than 85%% White, and the remaning groups were mostly segregated Blacks. But much has changed since then, and Whites are headed for minority status before the middle of this century. And probably even much earlier. So the miscegenation and immigration opponents are acting extremely rational if they want to preserve their race and culture. The corruption inherent in people is only strengthened in multicultural societies. WIth multicultural and multiracial societies comes identity politics and ethnic nepotism. Just look at Africa, which is a cesspool of corruption caused by tribal affiliations. Latin America may also act as a warning to the great dangers of mass miscegenation. The spanish and portugeese bred with locals and the inported slave population to a degree that their own culture was heavily watered down if not wiped out. The more miscegenated societies in South America are also the least functional today. India has had a caste system for many hundreds of years, with substantial genetic differences among the castes. Mixing has been frowned upon since it threatened the social order and diluted the blood lines. And there are many more examples. Plato was living in a city state which made distinctions between ethnic greek Citizens, slaves and non-greek barbarians. Mixing was not in any way encouraged. Not a good example to draw upon. The concept of xenophobic projection which you mention sounds like a marxist variant of false conciousness. I reject it completely since it does not accept collective ethnic interests, a common interest in preserving undiluted blood and the preservation of historical memory passed on through generations. Nobody is claiming that societies are perfect pre-miscegenation, this is a strawman argument. But there is a sense that mass miscegenation will bring great problems with it. And that it will threaten identity if it becomes pervasive. This is just commonsense. A mixed Black and White population is neither black or white, but mulatto. Even a 5 year old child can acknowledge this. Afshin Nejat Rather than being a straw man, it is a point to be made. The elites of a society draw upon this to their advantage. The real problems of a society never go away, no matter how genetically isolated they are from rather different gene pools. And it is these which condemn the society even before it is miscegenated. It is not an argument that miscegenation causes no aggravation of the problems already present, nor that for this mere reason it should be treated lightly if it is, or if it is in and of itself a problem separate points entirely. Scapegoating is scapegoating, even if the goat is deplorable. Jannik Thorsen The only problem with the theory of opportunictic scapegoating is that it is not obvious that it is in the interest of the elite. In the case of the modern day west it is actually the elites who are encouraging miscegenation, since they celebrate an ideology based on open borders liberalism, anti-nationalism, cosmopolitanism, global human rights and ultimately miscegenation. Ex french president Nicholas Sarkozy actually encouraged it in a speech delivered a couple of years ago. And if the public did not comply the government would step in and develop policies aimed at accelerating the rate of miscegenation. The politicians acknowledge that a to diverse population becomes to unruly. They operate with a totally false idea that it is possible to socially construct a new population top-down. Nevertheless they still feel the need to allow high rates of immigration since it boosts absolute population size and is conducive towards the goal of wiping out borders and integrating the middle East and Africa with Europe The elites of the corporate class also have an interest in high immigration rates, since it lowers wages and introduces new consumers into the economy. Thereby both stimulating supply and demand. A homogenized mixed race rootless population is preferable since it eases ethnic tensions in the workplace. In this modern case it is actually the grassroots common people who are putting up resistance towards the race replacement agenda. I encourage you to bring your understanding forward to 21st Century science. What matters in the terms of your actual fears is ideas. The most dangerous idea on this planet is the one that developed in Germanic and Latin countries white for the most part and that is Socialism. Socialism is at the root of the issues you raise and in this, you and I are in agreement. Clark Kent I understand that we are all genetically human beings, and can all inter-breed across races. I understand that there are geniuses in all races. But pretty much all Western countries are currently under threat of having their native populations replaced by foreigners. That is what I want. Clark Kent I never felt defensive about Canada or the US until I realized how bad things were getting across the Western European countries. What I do want from North America though is for people of European decent to stop all this white guilt SJW bs. But if I had to choose between saving my parents and saving yours, I will choose my own parents. So for sure we had some serious issues in Germany last year with these Middle-Eastern migrants. But really I think things have been pretty quiet since. And of course we now have the benefit of Brexit. I actually voted for Brexit, not to protect us from immigrants but actually from Europeans! I saw the EU government as a major threat to our liberty and so I wanted out. The issues need to be articulated. Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi resigned last week because they held a referendum to appoint a new small more efficient government but the people felt uneasy about it and voted no. Anyways thanks Bob for hearing me out on this. I also agree with it. Finally a voice of reason. If all white guys were this honest it would be great. I applaud you bro. It sucks that they are trying to exterminate anglos. I dont want that to happen and it is clearly happening. We all kinda feel that way. Unless you grow up with black guys you are not going to feel like they are your in group. I grew up with white and black best friends so i view both of them as my in group. Afshin Nejat It is handy to permit such influxes of foreign populations when there is a need to destabilize the attention of the working people from eyeing the elites for their own corruption. In fact, the balance of power works between the elites distracting the populace with all manner of conflict, and it works because the elites in fact have no loyalty to the population per se, nor to their race per se. They only seek power and control. It has been a long time since the early days of power, when it was acquired by prowess on the battlefield and answering challenges that led to battles to the death. Those days are long gone. All that matters now is control, and the reasons for this are that human beings are being used as fodder, and insofar as ideals of institutions are set up to be inconsistent and incoherent, there will be opportunities to excuse the influx of foreign people on the basis of humanistic ideals. Then when it is convenient, blame the outsiders for the mess, and kick them back out, but make it look like the working class invited them in and let them do the dirty work, while blaming them for the mess which results. It assuages the consciences of the people who presume Jesus died for their sins, as well. How to dismiss the people as unworthy of entry into the citizenry, but justify a long colonial period of invasion, genocide, and forced conversions around the world? It will happen, and it has happened. What a sadly effective ruse against short-sighted, small-minded peasants. The notion of an internal national identity is as firm as the notion of the ground that a tribe stands upon. The history of the Franks is demonstration of that. And when the reasons for needing to expand are sufficiently put forth, then the neighboring land has become defined as an intruder within the context of that needed expansion. Rome, the Celts, the Goths, the Arabs, the Mongols, the Scythians, the Han, the Japanese, it goes on and on. The excuses are useful for sending out the peasants to die in expansion campaigns, so they are also useful in kicking the foreigner out when after being overmuch included, he becomes a useful target for distraction. Many of these events are driven by the forces of hegemony which wreck other lands in attempts to control them, and then which allow them in for some ulterior purpose, such as preparing a believable scapegoat scenario. Actually, you take these surface world events too seriously as a sign of what is going on, because all this is going on in a context which is larger than you see. It is also the case that your body-suit is not as important as you like to believe, nor the DNA which it harbors. Those are just creating the scenarios of conflict we have today. Your school of thought is the racialist one, which is obsessed with appearances, with the finite, the transitory, which is to have a body and pass on a legacy. Racialism is an empty paradigm. Differences do manifest, and many of them are so striking as to suggest that we might suspect that nobility is actually not present in the whole, but only in a few exceptional individuals, who must have brought their Love of Truth from another plane of existence, and brought it down here into a place that is like a hell where lies and deception are the norm. If one race has a better track record of demonstrating a love of Truth over others, and a love of morality and a courage to pursue it in earnest, it would be an accident of a few individuals who had the strength to push that forward. Most people have followed out of sheer psychohistorical inertia. Zoroaster was the real thing, for example, when it came to pursuing morality, and he promoted this against the grain of the religions present in the middle east and in his land. So he had managed to convert many to his position because of his character, and many others followed because of the burden of being unable to discount the respectable facts he presented, and mainly of those who were already persuaded. They previously worshiped a polyglot of gods. That was mainly owing to the successful management of a huge horde of inferior beings by a small percentage of Good Geniuses. I mean the concrete institutions, not the ideals upon which they justify their particular existences. Those can never be replaced, the people, and the buildings if need be, can. And so can entire races of human sub-specimen. It is not a big deal, it has happened, it will keep on happening. Your struggle for a stable and secure gene pool is hollow, and morally aimless. You can only find specious justifications for it. If you cannot see beyond this, it is because you think you are your body, anyway. Or your soul perhaps, but souls are not immortal, and are just subtler bodies. The house must be cleaned from the core, the inside, out. Jannik Thorsen I dont think it is correct that elites per se have no loyalty to the population they rule. Bu t it is certainly true that they often dont give a damn as long as they remain in power. Nevertheless it is rare that the elites declare war on their subjects. That they wish to wipe them of the face of the earth through population replacement, ridicule their identity and demonize their past. But this is in fact what the elites in West have been engaged in for the last 30-40 years or so. You might speculate that the mass import of foreign people is just a divide and conquer strategy, distracting the populace from taking an interest in what their rulers are in fact doing. And there is no doubt that any strategic thinking politician or highly mig influental businessman will in fact do this. Use the situation to his advantage in multiple ways. But this sort of strategy is very risky. And the elite as such in general want to avoid to much risk. Overplaying your Cards could ultimately result in democratic politicians not being reelected or in the worst cases, society becoming highly dysfunctional, and possibly social order breaking down. In the case of the West it is actually a huge miscalculation on the parts of the elite, guided by political ideas completely out of touch with reality. It is not a case of the highly cunning elites manipulating the stupid masses of voters or workers to do their bidding. This is much to simple a theory, and they elites wont be able to do this forever. Especially not in a mass democracy with literacy rates. And the growing signs of discomfort among the electorates is proving the case. The spell is slowly loosing its effect. Racialist nationalism is in no way however reducible to a repackaging of corruption. It is a sign of reality striking back. The racial nationalism, or the justwatered own version of populist nationalism, is not a product of the elites. Its a grassroots reaction Afshin Nejat You will simply keep denying whatever in order to insist that your political motivations are sanctioned by facts, whether or not they really are. They would be ruptured and the agenda would leak back out, just as it did in place of recent memory. You have to ask where did that wine flow? It flowed into oblivion as far as modern populations are concerned, because these populations are all mind-controlled by ZOG. I am also not principally concerned with human reproduction prerogatives. So what will happen I predict is that corruption will go on as usual, meaningless vinegar will be put in filthy old wine bags, and that vinegar will call itself wine in some cases if it is not polluted with vinegar of another type. At the same time, what you love will die anyway. The Chatti were wise, so they died and did not become a part of the Roman Empire, the institutions of which you find fascinating in their modern forms as proper places to ensconce the self-same looking and non-miscegenated gene pool you admire and of which you are a part. That is still going to the grave. There is no point thinking that there is a meaningful way to reconstruct something noble out of this filth. It is better to acknowledge and uphold the principles which would be necessarily upheld by any society if it were worth anything, whatever its genetic makeup. But perhaps some would say this is my fantasy. Jannik Thorsen Its no doubt tempting for the elites to use immigrants in a divide and conquer strategy with the aim of keeping the masses distracted. But this is also a very dangerous strategy. In a democracy you just risk losing the popular vote in the long run if you keep on pursuing unpopular ideas. And multiculturalism and mass third World immigration are increasingly becoming unpopular in the West. It is not the case that the cunning elites are endlessly manipulating the stupid masses of voters. This will only work for so long. Eventually people will catch on to what is going on, and they will react. This isexactly what is actually happening in Europe at the moment, disproving the simplistic marxist theory which you allude to. Racial nationalism, or even just populist nationalist sentiment, is not something designed by western elites. Since the end of WW2 the elites have actually tried to completely eradicate this primordeal instinct. But offcourse to no avail. You simply cannot fight nature. Its not a repackaging of corruption, you got this part completely wrong. Its a wholly grassroots movement which certain elites have tried to latch on too, trying to control the forces unleashed. But as time goes on it actually seems to be the case that it is the elites which are being forced to adapt to the change of the zeitgeist. Not the other way around. The reality is that massimmigration will drastically transform the nations in question. Race, culture and religion are the main determinants of conflict ultimately. And history is the source which confirms this. The western massimmigration ideology is not based on a simple principle of expanding territory to build empire, or on violent conquest. It is based on anti-nationalist sentiment. The analogies you draw upon are therefore totally false. And of course this will fail, because ethnic and racial differences are real. No need for false conciousness to explain a phenomenon which repeatedly has asserted itself through history. It is also the case that your body-suit is not as important as you like to believe, nor the DNA which it harbors. Those are just creating the scenarios of conflict we have today. An attempt at using complex theory to explain away that which is quite obvious. Ockhams razor once again beats marxist sophistry. Ignoring the biological realities of race and the sexes results in wholly false ideologies like marxism and liberalism. Racialism is an empty paradigm. But race and ethnicity is a rough proxy for the underlying collective pool of genetics, which determines intelligence and racial demeanor which again determines culture, economics, politics, etc. Moral character is demonstrated by actions, but this does not render blood and soil irrelevant. Nor the sanctity of ancestors and their accomplishments. Most people have followed out of sheer psychohistorical inertia. It is not an accident. Genius is derived from a common gene pool of talent. The more restricted the pool is, the smaller the likelihood of extreme talent will express itself. Moreover, genius can create, but they cannot sustain societies, nor do they as individuals in themselves determine the general spirit of a people. For this more is needed. The collective spirit and talent of a people will determine the character of society. I mean the concrete institutions, not the ideals upon which they justify their particular existences. Those can never be replaced, the people, and the buildings if need be, can Removing the racial aliens from european soil does not amount to kicking out a strawman enemy. Removing politicians, corrupt or otherwise, will not change much, unless course of action is altered. Nor will changing institutions matter much if populations are replaced with Changing the racial character of a nation will however change everything. This is common sense. If indigenous Europeans were replaced with arabs or africans, practically everything would change To claim otherwise is just grasping for blue pill straws. You can only find specious justifications for it. If you cannot see beyond this, it is because you think you are your body, anyway. Or your soul perhaps, but souls are not immortal, and are just subtler bodies. It is actually profound. And it is no way morally aimless. Nationalism is a full body of ideas, based on certain ideas of morality. Claiming it to be aimless is an expression of ignorance. And I can see plenty beyond race. Many other aspects are also important. Racial nationalism is not utopian philosophy, but ideas derived from pragmatism and wisdom coupled idealism. But economics, law, religion cannot be erected on a cesspool of multiracial peoples with conflicting identities. This is what you fail to understand. Afshin Nejat You strive for what you see as necessary for the result of a good national existence, and you have no evidence supporting that it is integrated into a moral code which is sufficient for taking that into a good result. So your movement is only one of many possible which would strive for its aim, and it has yet to distinguish itself, as stated, from any other which might. It will lead to much strife, and yet guarantee nothing but that those who fought hardest for control vis-a-vis this method will be no doubt involved in the power struggles of the new order which sprang from it, which will be a new chaos really, but just a racially purer one. Now where do you go? What do you propose for your nation now that you have it, assuming you got it from a pool of people who have good enough character to not only fight to ensure that their gene pool is well kept, but also have the characteristics required for a good polity AS WELL. WHAT ELSE is necessary, besides having a pure gene pool, in YOUR neck of the woods? Jannik Thorsen Thank you for the compliment and encouragement. I dont think I am particularly brilliant or original, but I have studied this particular subject for some years now, and in the process thought long and hard on some tough subjects. But I am offcourse always happy to know that someone finds my comments interesting or insightful, even if it is just a single individual. It encourages one to strive on and continue the Work in progress. So thx again for taking an interest. He is not rational, contra to his protestations. At its base is a deep seated insecurity, which is the product of a primitive, almost prehistoric mind. Sarah Cruize Wow, this is a post by another spec in the big wide world who thinks that generalizing about race is smart. Well your president is black and his wife too. Currently they are keeping your lights on and feeding you brain dead sheep. Cant wait for the crop to br processed. And Jannik go f….. So its natural to feel revulsion. Again dont you think its hypocritical that white men are ok with being thirsty for Asian chicks, but let the roles be reversed and suddenly they start to say Asians are inferior. They opium dens where off limits to white females because Asians were inferior. But its ok for white men to go to Asian countries for sex tourism. Come on bro be objective. The difference between a black man and a white man is essentially the same as the difference between a black cat and a white cat. Obviously I do not. I am being charitable by even responding to you, however, I do see intelligence in you. It is unfortunate that you have allowed emotion and fear to guide you towards acceptance of primitive and long since debunked hypotheses. Cant Asian men say the same thing about white guys having Asian girl fetishes? Or is that one ok. This is the intellectual dishonesty that disappoints me the manosphere. White guys back rationalize their instinctive mate guarding with theories on how the other guys are inferior. I have white friends and i dont feel any type of way when they have sex with hot black girls. I am happy for them. Because i dont have any insecurity about mate guarding. As far as white men and black men being equal, this is true. Can you tell the difference between a white and black mans brain on MRI or any other imaging??? The only real differences are minor physiological ones. There are no differences in brain structure. So your analogy about genders is wrong. Jannik Thorsen Is that all you can come up with, hoping for my blood line to be miscegenated out of existence? For someone praising herself as being a liberated woman knowledable about worldly affairs, you dont come across as particularly insightful. Just because you are parroting the PC line does not necessarily make it correct. You need to come up with an actual argument. So run along silly woman, and let the grown men do the talking. Right there you are provably utterly illogical dipshit.. Ps as a racist, ud be beyond the nuances of culture so lets leave it out.. But concern over that requires a civilized mind, hence provably beyond your limitations.. Maybe you could take up Phrenology, instead? Was at a concert with an Asian chick and two white girls right behind me kept trying to get my attention. When I finally caved and asked them what they wanted, they asked me what my name was and told me that they thought I was cute. This was while the Asian chick was on my arm. White bitches hate Asian bitches taking their men. You hear all the submissive crap.. Lol MultiNatChick Yes, it works both ways. I am a caramel complexioned, Afro-Latina and I am not overweight. However, when I was single, Black men only wanted me for one thing, which I quickly figured out and canceled their dates because I believe in celibacy. However, when those same men see me in a serious relationship with a White man — all of a sudden they are so interested and upset. Finally, when White men come along and they immediate begin a serious relationship with me, the indecisive Black men becomes upset. Anyone who doubts that black women can be attractive should have a look down there. Moreover, there were women of all kinds, black, white, latina, Asian, etc. Sperm is what is your brain and backbone by the way. Jesse James So true. My ex-gf and I went to an party with some old friends of mine I had not seen in a while. She had big tits, thick ass, and she was cute. The white girls outnumbered her 8 to 1. Their actions were comical. The one black woman I dated that was super hot, made even the old white women turn raging mad. Sadly, both were single moms, and losers. Had to cut them off. The Truth Yep, agreed. I almost exclusively am talking about black Americans. There is a huge difference. I went to college with lots of people from Africa and they are very interesting people. In fact, most Africans I knew in college were AFRAID of American blacks who did that. American blacks with bad behaviors have ruined black for everyone black. Blacks Americans were also different at one point. Look at old pics of blacks in the 1950s. They had suits on and top hats etc.. They used the drug wars, Iran Contra and hiphop. They also burned down good black communities with thriving businesses Black Wallstreet. Music, Tv glorify sex appeal, drugs, and Bling. There are many drop dead gorgeous, virtuous, non- slutty, extremely intelligent and non-ghetto acting black women. Why not separate the ghetto and the middle to upper class black women. All black women are not the same. Unless its Miami, Los Angelos ,where people workout and take care of themselves, you will see alot of FAT in all types of women. Many black women where I live have graduate degrees, own houses, cars, slim bodies, etc and many are all single with no kids. DnaAngel Countach They are from Africa? Which is a real African-American. That suggests dual citizenship and I seriously doubt many if at all, of the blacks I meet have even visted Africa, let alone have been born there…. Indie America is paradise for someone from Africa. Thankfully, my Black GF, although born and raised in America, is not spoiled. Jonathan Dunbar Good luck with that! The birth canal I emerged from should never have bore children for she was raped and abused as a child herself, in and out of foster homes, and lived during Jim Crow America that gave her an even greater resentment for herself and the world around her. With that, I bore the brunt of her physical and emotional violence. One of the last interactions I remember with my mother was when I was 16 and she was slapping me around, and I finally stood up to her and told her to stop… she did! I was angry and could have broken her neck right there and then! I was also a little bit a taller than her and ready to kill her! She sensed it and luckily for the both of us backed down! My father even said as much to his now deceased brother a couple decades ago. Yes, I find many similarities in my mother and far too many black women, but I want to just deal with issues that affect me as a man today: 1 Black women for the most part are irresponsible and they give birth to children who are just as irresponsible as them. My Grandmother black was a damn good woman and I could encounter someone like her, I would marry her in a second, but her type, have all but died out. Today most black women are living in a fantasy world that places themselves and the center of the Universe and nothing else matters. Blacks have a way of consuming their own like no other. It might be the conditioning of slavery; if a slave got out of hand and started to read and write, the other slaves would tell on him to master and get him beaten but good! Instead of realizing the negative stimulation that is being done to them, they lash out: loud, abrasive, anything but feminine. I realize that by saying this, it makes me seem like a dick, and yes I am! I can however back up my claim: Gardena High computer club president in the 1980s. Won a programming scholarship from Hughes Corp. Kiwanis essay winner Mensa member, tested IQ in the min 160s, genius starts at 137. Metal and Jazz guitarist. Fundamental chord progressions and modes scales I practice daily. In high school I was introduced to Motely Crue, Sound Barrier, Dio and never looked back! Berkeley and double majored in Physics and Astronomy; graduated class of 1992. Radio Ham operator and used this with my childhood hobby of model rocketry, to fly Amateur TV ATV payloads to the edge of the Stratosphere out of Black Rock Nevada dry lake bed. I will post old VHS footage of this on my youtube account: Jonathan D. A national record holder of a dozen rocketry records visit nar. I fly radio control and full-sized gliders; working on my license. For the past 23 years I have ran my own computer consulting business, incorporated and working at places like America Express, Lockheed Martin, Wells Fargo, and other Fortune 500 companies. There are other things but then I would appear to be bragging. Now take all this in, and if half of it is true, you can easy see how I have about as much in common with a black woman as a turtle has with a bird. Dating outside your race is a MUST for a black man who is professional and upwardly mobile. A black woman is like that crab pulling you back into the bucket with the other crabs. There were very few bastards running around black America then as there is today 3 out of 4 black births are bastards. My grandmother would never have known what twerking was; she was a classy woman, not like these nigger bitch whores of today. Just had to share my thoughts; not THOTS! African women are far more likely to be feminine real women…but then seems any female anywhere probably is.. Any u guys, ESP white guys wanna marry a hot sweet black girl.. In fact boycott western women period lkofie I actually was going to make the same type of comment. Michael D'Vere In all my life I have just looked past or through black women and have never even considered them as an option. Jeremy There are some attractive black women. The obesity rate is a genuine killer for their attractiveness as a group. Also, the few black women who are attractive are in general very aware of their attractiveness. This ego boost makes it harder to deal with them on a daily basis. Same problem in other ethnic communities in the US, just much worse in the black community. Obesity is a SMV killer. Genuinely attractive black women are so fucking rare they should be put on the endangered species list. Which is a goddman shame, because the ones that do keep their shit together generally age better than whites and have killer bodies. Kab Black women are beautiful and come with all different types of personalities. There are different types of people in all groups, including Black women and they should be assessed on an individual basis and not negatively grouped together. OldBoris There was one in my final year in school. She had a big but sturdy butt never seen anything like it since, not even on porn actresses and big boobs for her small frame always wore low-cut tops so we could enjoy the view , but a medium-brown skin, large eyes, a small nose and European facial features with long, straight black hair. For example: the bad guy in the novel Tom Sawyer was named Injun Joe, and was a homicidal maniac; he was half-white and half-red in the novel. That stereotype has been stamped out as SJWs promote the destruction of ethnic pride. GhostOfJefferson Never been my cup of tea, though I have seen several very attractive black women in my lifetime. Just mah thang, homies. Not sure on their attitudes in a relationship as a result. I would say a handful have been a little too masculine and they got canned early. But likewise, I have had a few masculine white and Asian chicks. They get tagged, bagged and thrown in the meat locker for Rocky to punch in the face. Met her through friends. God what a nightmare. We argued all the way through the date. Thing is, I think it actually turned her on. I met her at a wedding a few months later and she begged me to call her. Not on your life! Do you have a decent filter? Generally though, my experience of dating Asian women has been positive and user friendly. This chick I am dating now… I commented on her instinct to clean my kitchen. A great balance between attractiveness and easy going personality. They seem to be very open to dating people of other races. Bottom of my list is Korean. They seem to be more racist than the Japanese. I will say that Koreans are equal-opportunity racists though. If you want to get in a knife fight with either just tell them that Koreans and Japanese are the same race, based on DNA testing. This truth will never be accepted by either nationality as, although they hate everyone else, they hate each other the most. GhostOfJefferson We have an Asian family living across the street. The mother immigrant is very, very pleasant and a joy to be around. One of her daughters is extremely sweet and pleasant, but the other one is a nightmare entitlement princess of epic proportions. All the black girls at work hit on me, and they are not subtle. White guys can provide. Bart Manson When I was first on my own I worked in a crappy job in a very predominantly black area. I was hit on incessantly by the black women. It was interesting if nothing else. Third Eye I have been with many types of women including White American and White European women, from my personal experience White women were a little more curious and sexually free. I liked red heads out of curiosity. But by far the most beautiful women in the world are Latinas…because you have a mixture of different degrees of White, Black, Asian, and Native with a little Arab sprinkled in which gives you interesting features. Women from Brazil, Colombia, and the Caribbean rank high on my list. I also prefer dark brown skin or black skin on some women. In Africa my favorite are Ethiopian women cause their hair and features are fine, with small waist and big curves. Caribbean Women from Indian Descent are very beautiful as well as south East Asians with brown or dark brown features. In my experience I have had positive interactions with Black women from the Caribbean, and actually the women I have met that were virgins were Black Women and some Latinas. But that is extremely rare in Western Society. I just think its Western Culture women who are more traditional and respect family values are the best to choose from if you are looking for a long lasting relationship and family. This is similar to the behavior that I see exhibited by White women that want to shame White men from traveling abroad to greener pastures. Anyway, not authentic NE Asian, not interested though that short Chinese-American chick in the Navy almost made me break my rule. Then they would find out that I date non-black girls and be angry, sometimes even hostile towards me or my girlfriend. She was a past Miss Black Denmark. Before you get too excited that is Denmark, South Carolina, USA. Which is, based on the sign when you enter the town, the watermelon capitol of the world. The town is pretty close to 100% black, at least I stood out like a sore thumb when we visited her hometown. I will say that she was nothing like the stereotype of black women we see today. However, I know a few black guys, who mostly date white women,that would not disagree with a word of the OP. In the case of my youthful experience it is perhaps the difference between rural and urban upbringing more than black versus white. Red Hood's Assault Hilariously true! In my experience, Asians seem to love co-opting racist stereotypes with glee, especially the males, and treating it as humorous. Asian Male with KFC bucket in tow to black person : I know you want a piece of this here chicken. Asian Male either oblivious or tempting fate : Nah, you love you some chicken. And guess what I bought?? Shep Schultz It bothers them not in the least. The have told me they envy our ability to move pianos. They are unduly proud of their Chineseness, but they easily accept our jokes and come right back with their own. A Chinese dinner party in America is a real treat. One may not like the food, but the conversation will have you chuckling a week later. JQ I agree with points 1 and 2. Unless she is into some kind of sport or fitness she is very likely a land whale. That is so sad because IMO the body of a young black woman when in shape is simply amazing. Big glutes, slim waist, athletic long legs. However, besides being overweight you have to deal with such a shity attitude that murders the boner. If you want to experience being with a black woman go to another country like Cuba. Bart Manson I quit watching entirely a couple of years ago. The anticipation of not having TV was much worse than the actual not having it. GhostOfJefferson Netflix is my go to. Waiting for the first season of Vikings to show up. Unhooking really does open your eyes to how zombified most people are. Just seems weird to me. A culture which stigmatizes black individuals if they speak articulately or are well read in things other than Liberation Theology or MalcomX. A culture which sneers openly and defiantly at white people, right to their face, with clear racist epithets and phrases. Then their women turn around and try to look like they were born in the hinterlands of Denmark. Agree on the pretty black women. Why should I jump through hoops to tame any woman when I can stroll to my prize with a better-behaved, and likely, better-looking woman? I am sure no woman has ever made that argument to you. Try not to read in too deep. But nobody said anything about jumping through hoops. Most attractive women who are only halfway attracted to you, will make you jump through hoops for fun. Now with black girls I have noticed, if they are from a lower income environment will tend to be quite aggressive and defensive. This is part and parcel of how they grew up. I have noticed that white men tend to be a little intimidated by this. My point is, if you want to date one of these little hood rats you will have to put them in their place, hard and fast. And this is useful knowledge for any woman. Yeah, a big portion of black girls act this way. Being high value educated black man is dangerous, and could get you smoked by a local out of being jealous. Sure you can debate which race is best but the only thing that matters is if she passes the boner test. I have an attraction to women of all races but more so leaning towards light brown, brown, and black skin women. Black women, latinas, indians, native Americans, and sometimes asians and arabs fall under this category. The wallets are typically 500-1000. Gucci sunglasses are 500-1000. Something like 97% of all LV gear out there is fake. Seeing a woman get out of a Honda with a LV purse fucking cracks me up. If you carry this shit into lower income areas read; anywhere but major cities nobody has any fucking clue what it is or what it costs. Basically, unless you have money to burn, buy a fake. If you have money to burn, buy a real one, a 100K car, 2 carat diamonds for each ear and a nice Rolex. They are typically the leather bags with very minimal markings. Best not to chance it. But to be honest, the points cited in this article do make it easier to stay away from the brown sugar. When I lived in the U. S, I found it quite difficult to hook up with black women. My Aussie accent had zero novelty value for black women, and I just got no play from them except for the occasional blowjob or handjob. Most of them are quite ugly really. The problem is that the hottest black women in the entertainment industry are mixed race e. Ok Lisa Bonet is ugly as fuck now, but she was gorgeous in her prime. Especially the not-so-under-the-surface racism. I have dated a lot of black women on both sides of the pond and have not run into this problem you have. Yeah some of them have kids but those ones are for fun not for marriage. They make good sides for your main. As for sluttiness I have to say, in my experience white women are waaaaay more slutty. I have known many a black woman with promise to be ruined by association with slutty white girls. In my experience white women compete with white men on notch counts and ability to down more beers. In other words, no other women than a Western white woman tries harder to be a man. As for obesity, most women in general are fat. Its a problem across the board in Western countries but particularly in America. Immigrant black women in the USA have no problem getting dates from native black American, or even white American, men. And the reasons are immediately obvious. Also, white British women are somewhere between white American women and black American women in behavior… they for the most part suck. H8tr You forgot one very important detractor to dealing with or dating black women… The Weave! The amount of cache black chicks spend on fake hair that use to belong to someone else is ridiculous. Do White American males get off on that stuff? No wonder white females are going after black dudes, cuz White males sound insecure AF. Obviously the OP made some valid points, however Points 4 and 5 are really not unique to Black Women, as All American women display those qualities. This comment is more directed towards the ROK commenters. This is about simple minded idiot racist White males that get their rocks off by dissing black people. You claim your red pill and then go on to put White women or foreign women on a pedestal. You never see Alpha White Guys like Vitaly from Youtube having a tough time with black women. When you show them facts and history they try to denigrate it but try to exaggerate or expand on anything relating to white people. Just a bunch of morons. Third Eye White Guilt is a silly concept that many people use to deviate from serious topics…there are things some groups, including mine politically, that have done negative things that I acknowledge. My acknowledgment is my strength as it allows us to change our approach. Its a negative aspect that when looked objectively should be simply acknowledged as the truth. But however when having a debate where a person brings up a topic and states the same Euro-centric views spewed for centuries and they have a person who honestly questions a historical point…many whites get personally defensive. Controversial situations when blacks are killed the media especially conservative media are quick to criminalize said victim also to deviate or lessen the controversial incident. Negative aspects of black and brown communities are looked down upon by black and brown people as well while the onus is placed on these people. Most often than not it is some whites who collectivize non-whites when describing these same issues in non-white nations and cultures. I have friends of all races and religions and I judge them by their character even if our opinions differ. When you witness me making a statement I usually am replying to an ignorant comment, as I am not accusatory. Jannik Thorsen Thats all fine but I never accused you of guilt accusation in your dealings with White people in your private life. You seem like a fairly balanced person, although I sense a very black perspective in your commenting. I suppose this is hard to avoid, and I certainly employ a white perspective on various issues. The external factors you are referring to are exactly the white guilt psychology which the media and the educational system is pushing on whites. Its a control mechanism developed to prepare white people to their ultimate demise. Becoming a minority in their historic homelands and the former colonies which they demographically control. White people are now barely 60% of the US. This didnt just happen. PC and White guilt were crucial instruments in creating this situation. And it is not just in America. Europe is heading in the same direction, although at a slower pace. My home country is now 93% white. Practically a white homogenous country. So this is in no way a silly concept as you imply, it is very real. People get fired and ostracized for expressing the wrong views routinely.

What It’s Like Dating Someone Who’s More Attractive Than You [Intimacy Issues]
But there is a sense that mass miscegenation will bring great problems with it. Truth be told, I got tired of the daily label checks making sure I was wearing name brand this or that, as though I would xi the family name by sporting a generic pair of jeans I picked up at the thrift store. They know good and well that no man with a healthy sexual desire is looking in their direction for that kind of action. We further reserve the right, but have no note, to conduct any credit, criminal or other background checks using publicly available records, at any time, to confirm your compliance with these Terms. I do think dating act better women tend to make generalizations about husbands vs. Sees all value through sex and nothing else. His respect, his honor and his love by how he makes his choices and what he does defines our relationship — not a marriage license. Rarely were they raped.